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With the ongoing pandemic, professionals may find the line that separates work and personal life blurry. Heavy workloads and personal affairs are constantly intertwining. You simply cannot divide yourself when important family duties happen at the same time as virtual meetings with clients. 

Additionally, thanks to digital transformation, almost all aspects of our lives are now integrated into an electronic device. One may simply suggest a work-life balance; striking an equal allotment of time and energy for personal and work life. However, this is not the case anymore. Consequently, the concept known as work-life blend works differently to prevent overworking. It allows a healthy allocation of energy, time, and focus for work and personal activities. 

To combat work exhaustion, companies are coming up with new employee engagement models that blend work and life according to their employees’ lifestyles. Sun Life Grepa Financial Inc. (Sun Life Grepa), a major life insurance company in the country, provides initiatives that take into consideration personal priorities while still maintaining strong productivity at work. 

Here are the benefits of work-life blending during the new normal: 

More Flexibility, More Productivity 

Being in a company that values work-life blending means you take a fluid approach to work. Going out to meet clients may involve time for a quick stop to the drug store for an emergency purchase, lunch breaks can progress into work research. Your skills and abilities are not maxed out but you feel motivated to be efficient because you get tasks done without compromising on the other. 

Furthermore, an office that sets up engaging activities for interactions even online is sure to foster a positive workplace culture. Sun Life Grepa uses virtual salu-salo activities, regular wellness sessions and even hobby-related webinars to ensure that employees have time to enjoy and take their minds off of work. 

More Emphasis on Self-Improvement 

With a work-life blend, you have time to develop personal growth. It entails working without sacrificing quality and efficiently finishing your tasks for the day. This way, you get to find the energy needed to focus on other things that matter such as spending time with loved ones, keeping up with hobbies and even upskilling. 

Organizations that encourage work-life blending will offer initiatives that improve employee well-being. Commonly available programs are webinar lectures and virtual training workshops like Sun Life Grepa’s Agile webinars, where employees learn new tools that they can apply not just to their work, but also to their day-to-day living. 

Less Stress, More Happiness 

Embracing work-life blending requires creating a unique workplace experience. When done successfully, it reduces stress and prevents burnout. Breaking out of a monotonous work schedule provides a mentally stimulating experience and encourages new ways of working. For example, Sun Life Grepa implemented a monthly wellness talk based on topics that their employees needed — ranging from building healthy habits, proper posture, healthy meal preparation, improving resiliency and the like.  As part of their #fit2bFIT program, they also offered weekend exercise sessions that gave the whole family an opportunity to get fit together. 

Work-life blending is structured to treat every employee like a human being rather than a resource. It encourages you to reap all the benefits of managing every aspect of your life holistically without the need to separate them into halves. 

The best way to achieve a successful work-life blend is to be part of a company that fully supports the blend. Sun Life Grepa believes productivity and performance are crucial but overall well-being is supreme. 

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