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Boost your small or medium enterprise with HIPSTER

HIPSTER, or Health Insurance Plan for Small EnTERprises, is your all-in-one group insurance solution as it provides life, accident, disability and medical benefits to your employees at a reasonable price.

HIPSTER is packed with the following benefits:



  • Group Yearly Renewable Term Life – Provides life insurance protection anytime, anywhere on any cause of death.
  • Accidental Death, Dismemberment & Disablement – Provides an additional benefit in case of accidental death, dismemberment or disablement.
  • Total & Permanent Disability Income – Advances the life insurance benefit through a monthly income in case of total and permanent disability


  • Basic Medical / Inpatient Benefits – Pays for Room & Board, Special Hospital Services, Surgical Fees and Doctor’s Calls during confinement.
  • Outpatient Benefits – Pays for outpatient consultations and prescribed basic diagnostic procedures (i.e., Chest X-Ray and Laboratory Exams).
  • Optional benefits include:
  1. Annual Physical Exam – Covers the Basic 5 procedures: Physical Exam, Routine Urinalysis, Routine Fecalysis, Chest X-Ray and Complete Blood Count (CBC).
  2. Dental Benefits – Covers a specified list of dental procedures per year.
Protect your employees