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Most breadwinners play a big role in providing the income that their family needs to live. Not only do they bring “bread to the table” but are also responsible for providing emotional support to their loved ones during difficult times.

Such is the role of Liz Dianne Malanguis, a Sun Life Grepa client. Being a single mother with four children, she cares for her family’s daily needs and also worries about their financial future.

“It’s not easy being the breadwinner of a family. I always had this fear in me that should something happen to me, I might not be able to support my family anymore, especially my kids,” Liz said. “That is why, I thought of options or back-up plans. It just so happened that one of my friends is a Sun Life Grepa advisor and she introduced life insurance to me. At first, I had my doubts since life insurance initially seemed like an additional expense, but I eventually believed in her wisdom and the options she gave me really addressed my financial needs and budget.”

While the sincerity and credibility of her Sun Life Grepa Financial Advisor provided the necessary push for Liz to avail of life insurance, Liz also recognizes how Sun Life Grepa has been a reliable partner to her over the years.

“I saw the dedication of the organization to fulfill my needs as a client and I am satisfied,” Liz said. “When I got my policy in 2020, it never crossed my mind that I would eventually be diagnosed with breast cancer. When I was diagnosed, I immediately worried about how I can raise money for my hospital bills. Fortunately, I have my Sun Life Grepa insurance which has helped me pay my medical expenses,” Liz added. “I am so glad I prepared for such emergencies ahead.”

Liz also gives advice to others on financial preparation. “It is important for everyone to have life insurance. Even just one policy will truly be helpful to you. Life insurance became my safety net and has given me the peace of mind and comfort that I need. For me, it is not an additional expense but a way to financially protect myself and my loved ones as the future is always uncertain.”