Sometimes we encounter unexpected turns in life such as the sudden death of someone we love.
In most cases, this unexpected event leaves one strained by the experience – both emotionally and financially. One can only imagine the family’s struggle to make the necessary preparations for the wake and the burial, and perhaps even for standing medical expenses.
What if people had help in easing their financial burdens during these times, so they can focus on emotional recovery? It would make the matter of rebuilding life much easier.
Extending this kind of support allows companies to help their employees.Companies that genuinely care for their employees must ensure their adequate financial protection so that they can be prepared for such uncertainties and be able to cope better.
These companies can partner with Sun Life Grepa Financial, Inc. (Sun Life Grepa) because, together, both can ensure that the employees and their families are taken care of during the most trying times. With Sun Life Grepa as a steady and reliable partner, companies can provide immediate help and assistance to relieve the emotional and financial burdens of families suddenly experiencing the loss of a loved one.
Sun Life Grepa has the Family Assistance Benefit (FAB) Rider, the latest in its supplementary benefit offerings or “riders” for its Group Life Insurance plan. Through this rider, the bereaved families will receive repatriation and cash assistance to ensure that the deceased safely returns home for burial and that funeral arrangements and/ or interment for the deceased can be made.
The FAB Rider is designed to release the proceeds as soon as possible. With minimal claim requirements and streamlined claiming process, the rider provides support when it is needed most. This way, companies can show sympathy and compassion, while helping ease the financial burden shouldered by the family their employees left behind.
For more information, visit or contact Sun Life Grepa Group Life at (02) 866-6339.