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12 Ways to Protect Your Data Privacy


Corporate Governance Scorecard

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Company Policies

Sun Life Grepa Financial, Inc. (SLGFI) has adopted fully the following Company Policies and the Code of Business Conduct of Sun Life Financial. Annually, all Directors and employees of SLGFI are required to acknowledge compliance and adherence to these Policies. Reference to Sun Life in the following Policies as well as in the Code of Business Conduct shall mean to include and/or also refer to SLGFI .

Sun Life is committed to leading with integrity and takes breaches of the Code seriously. We must all take an active role in ensuring the Code is applied throughout Sun Life and that breaches of the Code are handled appropriately.

How Do I Report A Breach of the Code?

Advise your manager, human resources, a compliance officer or someone in the law department if you believe YOU may have contravened the Code.

If you know or suspect that SOMEONE ELSE has contravened the Code or you feel you are being pressured to violate the law or your ethical responsibilities, advise your manager, human resources, the general counsel or senior compliance officer in your business group, or the chief compliance officer. If you would prefer to report the situation anonymously, or if you feel that someone has not responded appropriately to your report, use the Employee Ethics Hotline.

Philippines Dial 105 11 (cell phone – no “02” prefix) Dial 1010-5511-00 (land line)

For Tagalog Dial 105-12 (cell phone – no “02” prefix) Dial 010-5511-10 (land line)

You’ll be prompted to dial the Alertline number 800 481-6966 for Filipino, please select “9”

The whistleblower may also submit his or her report or concern in writing directly to the Chief Compliance Officer, or by email to:

The Hotline services are handled by an outside service provider, and are available to all employees, seven days a week, 24 hours a day in multiple languages.

If you suspect a breach has taken place, do not attempt to deal with the situation yourself. Your identity in any follow- up discussions or inquiries will be kept in confidence to the extent appropriate or permitted by law.

Reporting misconduct and breaches of the Code contributes to the ethical culture at Sun Life and helps us maintain our commitment to high standards of business ethics and integrity.

Sun Life does not tolerate fraud. Our stakeholders expect us to conduct ourselves honestly and with integrity. None of us should participate in any type of dishonest or fraudulent behaviour that may affect Sun Life, our customers or our co-workers.

Fraud is a dishonest act or omission intended to deceive or mislead for personal or corporate gain. Fraud may be perpetrated by people associated with Sun Life, such as employees and advisors, or by third parties, such as vendors or customers. Some examples of fraudulent acts include:

  • forgery or alterations of a document or cheque
  • theft of cash and other property,
  • bribes and economic extortion, and
  • misuse of confidential information (including identity theft).

You can help to ensure that we continue to operate ethically by reporting any known or suspected fraud incidents, whether committed by a co-worker or a third party, to your fraud reporting officer or through the Employee Ethics Hotline. Ask your manager or refer to the Contact Lists on The Source for the name of the fraud reporting officer in your area.

For more information on deterring fraud, consult the Fraud Risk Management Policy, which is available on The Source.

Sun Life is vulnerable to being used by criminal organizations and terrorist groups to launder money and facilitate the financing of their activities. Failure to mitigate money laundering and terrorist financing risks may bring significant regulatory sanction and carry severe reputational risk. We must all actively protect Sun Life’s products and services from being used for money laundering or for financing terrorist or other criminal activity.

Detecting money laundering and terrorist financing activity requires us to properly identify and authenticate our customers. You should report any suspicious premiums, deposits, payments, surrenders or other activities to your local money laundering reporting officer. If you fail to do so Sun Life may be exposed to the risk of legal sanction, financial penalties and reputational damage. Ask your manager or refer to the Contact Lists on The Source for the name of the money laundering reporting officer in your area.

You can find more information by consulting the Anti- Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Policy available on The Source.

One important way we demonstrate our integrity is by ensuring that we do not put our interests ahead of those of our customers or shareholders, and do not appear to do so.

Many situations could give rise to a potential conflict of interest. Actions we take on behalf of Sun Life must not be influenced by the possibility of gain for ourselves or for anyone personally associated with us. It is also important to avoid any appearance of a conflict.

We must avoid personal relationships that could improperly influence business decisions. You are not permitted to have a direct or indirect reporting responsibility over a family member. You should also avoid engaging in a business relationship with a family member or a business in which a family member is significantly involved.

You must also avoid conflict of interests involving our customers. For example, you should not act as a trustee, agent, power of attorney or executor for a customer unless he or she is a family member.

Other sections of the Code set out some of the more common conflicts, but they are not exhaustive. If you have questions, speak to your manager or a compliance officer.

If you have knowledge about a possible conflict of interest, disclose it immediately.

We are highly visible in many major financial markets and we are subject to complex laws and regulations in the countries where we carry on business. When we invest in the stock market our decisions must not be based on material non-public information we learn through our employment or relationship with Sun Life. You must not trade in Sun Life securities, or in any securities of another company, no matter how small or large the trade, if this decision is based on material information that is not generally available to the public. You also may not “tip” or pass this information on to others, or even share it with co- workers, other than those who have a need to know it to carry out their jobs at Sun Life.

If someone asks you for information about Sun Life that is not generally available to the public, please direct that inquiry to Public and Corporate Affairs or a member of the law department.

“Material information” is any information that a reasonable investor would consider important in deciding whether to buy, hold or sell the securities of a publicly traded company. There are also certain types of information that may become material over time (e.g., proposed business transactions). Consult the Disclosure Policy, Securities Trading Policy or someone in the law department as to whether information is material.

Depending on your specific employment at Sun Life, you may be subject to additional requirements. These may include pre-clearing and reporting on your personal investments, trading public company securities only during specified periods, and filing insider-trading reports.

We are committed to complying with the letter and spirit of anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws in the countries in which we operate. We prohibit the direct or indirect use of bribery, kickbacks, payoffs, or other corrupt practices by employees, agents, or other parties acting on behalf of Sun Life, especially in our business relationships including those with suppliers, customers and government representatives.

Many countries in which Sun Life operates have specific anti-corruption laws. These laws generally prohibit companies from giving or offering anything of value to a government official or another person to improperly influence a decision, assist the company in doing business, or obtain an improper business advantage. Hence, no payments or transfers of anything of value should be given to government officials or representatives without prior review and authorization.

You are expected to recognize and avoid the use of bribery by yourself and others and report suspected and known incidents of bribery and corruption through the channels set out in the Code. Our business partners are also expected to conduct themselves lawfully and ethically, and to comply with applicable anit-bribery and anti-corruption laws.

From time to time many of us are offered, or may provide, gifts, favours, benefits, hospitality, or entertainment in the course of our work. These are generally recognized as important parts of doing business.

Nevertheless, you should not accept any benefit that could in any way influence, or appear to influence, your ability to make objective business decisions. You should not offer gifts, favours, benefits or entertainment that might be perceived as inappropriately influencing another company’s business dealing with Sun Life. Consider the following criteria when accepting or offering benefits:

  • Would doing so make it difficult to make a fair and unbiased decision?
  • Is the value involved nominal and reasonable? (Check local policies or supplementary codes or speak to your manager for guidance on what constitutes nominal in your business group as this can vary.)
  • Does this occur frequently?
  • Does the exchange create a sense of obligation on either party?
  • Would it embarrass Sun Life or the recipient if publicly disclosed?
  • Does it violate Sun Life anti-corruption policies or processes?

Before you offer business-related gifts or benefit to a government official or an officer or employee of a state- owned or controlled enterprise, consult with your business group general counsel or senior compliance officer.

Depending on your position at Sun Life you may also have an obligation to report or seek pre-approval of gifts and entertainment. Unless specifically provided under the terms of your employment or engagement, you may not receive a commission or other compensation related to the sale of any Sun Life product or service.

Respecting our customers’ and employees’ privacy is critical to maintaining our ethical reputation and building strong business relationships. We are all responsible for protecting confidential information – whether about Sun Life or our customers or co-workers – against theft, loss, unauthorized access, disclosure, destruction or misuse.


We accumulate a great deal of information about our customers, employees, and others who develop relationships with us, and have an obligation to limit the collection, access, use and disclosure of this information as outlined in the Sun Life Global Privacy Commitment and as may be required by local law and local policies.

Specifically, we must collect, use or disclose personal information lawfully and fairly, and disclose it only with the permission of the person to whom it relates unless otherwise permitted or required by law. In certain jurisdictions, our customers have the right to ask if we hold any personal information about them and, if so, to review it. They may also have the right to know how we collected the information, how we use it, and to whom we have disclosed it.

We must respect and maintain the confidentiality of our employees’ personal information such as salaries, performance reviews or disabilities. Do not share this information with anyone unless you need to in order to perform your job.

Access to personal information within Sun Life is generally restricted to those employees who have a legitimate business reason to access it. In some cases, we may communicate or transfer personal information to employees, agents and service providers (even in other countries). In this case, the information may be subject to the laws of those jurisdictions. All of these persons, wherever they are located, must be required to protect the confidentiality of this personal information.

Other than information produced and disclosed in the ordinary course of business, all information about Sun Life and its business is confidential and should not be disclosed to anyone outside Sun Life, including family and friends, or to your co-workers unless they need to know the information to carry out their employment. Examples of confidential information may include business plans, product pricing, new product or business initiatives, client lists and merger and acquisition plans. You are expected to keep confidential any information you acquire about Sun Life during your employment, even after you leave the company.

You should not speak for Sun Life, or imply you are doing so, unless you are specifically authorized. Some external communications, such as articles for publication, presentations and remarks made on behalf of Sun Life, may require review and approval prior to release. Consult the law department or marketing and communications for more information.

In addition to everyday communications with outside persons and organizations, you may on occasion be asked to express your views to the media. Please immediately contact the communications representative in your area if the media approach you. As a general rule, Public and Corporate Affairs will respond to questions about Sun Life’s positions on public policy or industry issues.

You are critical to our success. We are committed to safety and fairness in the workplace and recognize that a diverse workforce allows us to serve our customers most effectively. We will not tolerate unlawful discrimination, harassment or violence at work. We must all work to maintain a safe and healthy work environment.

Specifically, we do not unlawfully discriminate against co-workers, customers or anyone else we encounter in the course of our work on the basis of their race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, creed, age, marital status, family status, disability, or other grounds included in human rights legislation.

Acts and threats of violence affect everyone’s safety and must be reported immediately. We must not engage in threatening, intimidating or violent acts against co-workers, customers or anyone else encountered in our work. Sexual or other harassment, or offensive behaviour, such as verbal abuse or unnecessary physical contact, are also prohibited.

The use of illicit drugs and alcohol can negatively affect job performance and cause severe safety hazards. As a general rule, illicit drugs or alcohol may not be brought into or consumed in the workplace. If you are found in possession of or under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol at work, you may be subject to discipline and possible termination of your employment.

An important component of employee engagement relates to our ability to participate in our communities. We encourage you to be involved with outside organizations, charitable activities, and the political process, provided your involvement does not create or appear to create a conflict of interest or interfere with your responsibilities at Sun Life.

To reduce the possibility of a conflict of interest, you may not engage in any work for, or serve on the board of, any organization that is publicly traded or competes with or has a business relationship with Sun Life without written approval from your manager and your business group’s general counsel. Consult with the law department before you join the board of directors of any company or organization.

Depending on your position at Sun Life, you may also have an obligation to report outside business activities, directorships, or other personal relationships that could present potential conflicts of interest.

Do not speak for Sun Life or imply you are doing so in the course of your outside activities unless this has been specifically authorized in advance. Consult the human resources department or a person in the law department, who will arrange to seek the appropriate approval.

You must also keep in mind that you represent Sun Life when engaging in outside activities. You should not participate in any activity that would compromise our brand or reputation or that would disparage, defame, or embarrass Sun Life or its employees, clients or vendors.

Our funds, facilities or services may not be used for the benefit of other businesses, or political parties, or their candidates, except as specifically authorized in advance. We also have a process for dealing with charitable and philanthropic spending. Please consult Public and Corporate Affairs for information about these types of contributions.

We are committed to the principle of sustainability in the conduct of our business. Corporate sustainability is at the core of our mission of helping customers achieve lifetime financial security. It is fundamental to our business model and in many ways is embedded in everything that we do to ensure we meet our commitments to customers and other stakeholders – employees, shareholders, and investors – over the long term.

Today, being a sustainable company means more than taking actions to protect and preserve the environment and being a good corporate citizen; it means striving to actively consider environmental, social and governance impacts, risks and opportunities in the way we conduct our business to strengthen our business today and into the future. If you have any suggestions to improve the sustainability of our business practices, please submit them to the Sustainability Program on The Source.

One of our obligations as an ethical company is to support our industry and encourage fair competition. Although we compete vigorously in every market in which we participate, we are committed to conducting business in compliance with all competition or antitrust laws. As specific prohibitions imposed by these laws vary, competing fairly and ethically in all our business activities is the most effective way to avoid contravening these rules.

Antitrust or competition laws prohibit Sun Life from engaging in activities intended to lessen competition. This means we cannot make agreements with competitors to fix prices or allocate sales, customers or territories. We may also not discuss with outsiders strategic information on topics such as pricing, product development and customer lists. Even if we do not intend these discussions to result in actions that restrict competition, they could be interpreted that way, and could be illegal whether or not they lead to a restriction of competition.

Sun Life is committed to integrity and ethical behaviour in our sales and service practices. Advertising, sales and promotional materials and product illustrations must be factual and based on principles of fair dealing and good faith. Deceptive sales and marketing practices, including making misleading or false statements, are prohibited.

Sun Life is required to maintain accurate, reliable and complete records to appropriately manage its affairs and comply with legal, regulatory, financial, accounting and operational obligations. Sun Life must provide accurate, consistent, informative and timely disclosures of information to the market in accordance with applicable laws.

Our financial statements, books and records should accurately reflect all business transactions and be retained in accordance with our record keeping practices. Failing to disclose or record revenues, expenses, assets or liabilities is prohibited.

We are responsible for the integrity of books and business, financial accounting and expense records under our control. Be mindful that business records include emails and other electronic communications and records.

Be diligent in maintaining proper record keeping practices when creating, receiving or maintaining accounting, financial, legal or other business records. We must preserve documents and records that could be potentially relevant to any pending or reasonably foreseeable litigation, internal or external audit, regulatory examination, or government investigation.

You have the responsibility to raise any concerns you may have regarding accounting or auditing matters.

For additional guidance on our record keeping requirements and practices, consult the Records Management Operating Guideline.


Accurate records and copies of receipts must be submitted with each expense report as we can be reimbursed only for reasonable expenses related to Sun Life business activities. Ensure expenses are documented and approved in keeping with expense reimbursement standards.

We all participate in Sun Life’s internal control framework. Internal controls help us achieve our business objectives, mitigate risks and meet our ethical obligations to our customers and other stakeholders.

Our internal controls are designed to provide reasonable assurance that:

  • Our operations are effective and efficient,
  • Our financial reporting is reliable, and
  • We comply with laws and regulations

Our commitment to internal control is reflected in Sun Life’s strong control environment, which includes:

  • The Sun Life Audit and Conduct Review Committee, which provides oversight and guidance over internal control practices and Sun Life’s financial reporting,
  • A commitment to acting ethically as set out in the Code,
  • A sound organizational structure reflecting clear and appropriate accountabilities and authorities, and
  • Competent and appropriately compensated employees.

We are all responsible for Sun Life’s internal controls and we should understand how they relate to our roles. Working with your manager, you should:

  • Clearly understand your department’s objectives and how your role contributes to achieving them.
  • Establish and maintain control activities appropriate to achieving your objectives and mitigating associated risks,
  • Be aware of changes in your business or business environment affecting your role, and adapt your control activities appropriately, and
  • Continually monitor the appropriateness and effectiveness of internal controls for which you are responsible, and resolve related problems on a timely basis.

Be sure to inform your manager and other affected areas when problem occur – regular communication maintains control awareness. If you are unsure how your role is affected by or contributes to internal control you should speak to your manager.

Our reputation is built on our daily interaction with our customers, our shareholders and the public. We can all build Sun Life’s value by meeting the highest standards of professional conduct.

Specifically, we cooperate with lawful investigations and inquiries by regulators, law enforcement agencies, external and internal auditors and other investigators. We provide accurate and factual information to them, and do not mislead or attempt to improperly influence them. You should not tamper with any document to obscure the true nature of a transaction in Sun Life’s records or to impede or influence an audit, regulatory review or investigation. If you suspect information is not being provided as required, report your concerns to your compliance officer or someone in the law department.

Advise your compliance officer or senior manager in your business group of any requests that are outside the normal course of business, such as special audits, questionnaires or inquiries related to industry- wide investigations, as well as any regulatory complaint, fine or disciplinary action.

Sun Life’s main creditors are its suppliers. At Sun Life, we want to do business with suppliers that share our values – integrity, engagement, Client focus, excellence, value and innovation – and that can meet our business requirements.

Our Strategic Sourcing team identifies and evaluates potential suppliers, then negotiates with and contracts with them to efficiently and cost-effectively procure high-quality goods and services. We assess suppliers on the products and services they offer, as well as their demonstrated ability to meet our business needs.

We expect our suppliers to share our business values and to follow prudent business practices, including business integrity and the responsible treatment of individuals.

We engage with suppliers that share our commitment, as outlined in our Code of Business Conduct, to:

  • Acting ethically and complying with applicable laws
  • Following responsible business practices
  • Following responsible employment practices and providing safe working conditions
  • Caring for the community and the environment

We are committed to fair and open competition under the highest ethical standards when dealing with our suppliers. These standards – professionalism, honesty and integrity – are reflected in our Code of Conduct.

Sun Life periodically or when requested submit reports to its creditors on its financial condition through the published Audited Financial Statements and other Certifications issued by any of its duly authorized officers. The provision of the Annual Report or Audited Financial Report ensures the Creditors of the Company’s financial soundness.

Sun Life also submits to the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Insurance Commission its audited Financial Statements and Annual Statement. As these become public documents once submitted to the regulators, the creditors of the company are also given access to these reports to apprise them of the Financial Condition or status of the Company thereby safeguarding their rights are creditors.

The Company also provides prompt and accurate reports of its financial standing to its creditors. It is the policy of Sun Life to protect the rights of its creditors by maintaining, at all times, the company’s good credit standing. In furtherance thereof, the Company strictly observes contractual obligations, and regard fair and truthful disclosure and transparency of financial records and dealings of utmost importance to assure creditors of the Company’s continued credit worthiness.

Moreover, the Company’s risk based approach to business and adoption of good corporate governance practices further assures the creditors that the company is effectively managing its risks and is committed to sustaining the growth of the Company.

Protect Your Privacy

12 Ways on How to Protect Your Data

Did you know that over 9,000,000,000 records in the world have been lost or stolen since 2013? The famous Comeleak incident alone accounted for 77,736,795 in that total number. Thieves, fraudsters and hackers have become ultra-sophisticated these days that even the most cautious companies have become their victims. They are always ready to attack – while you are opening an account, paying your bills or merely surfing the net.

Although there is no guarantee that data breaches will not happen, we can adopt measures to minimize our risk. Sun Life ensures that we have adequate controls to keep your records with us secure. You can also do your share to help us protect your data. Here are some ways:

  • Take extra precaution when using wireless connections, especially the free ones. They may cost you more. Did you know that many hotspots in public areas like airports, hotels and restaurants reduce their security so it is easier for individuals to access and use their networks?
  • Check if the website you are surfing is secure. Look at the address bar of the website to determine if it begins with “https” rather than “http”. “Https” indicates that the website is secure.
  • Strengthen your passwords and change them regularly. According to a Slovakian IT security company, the recent Yahoo breach revealed that the most common passwords used are”123456″ and “password”. Do not set your name and birthdate as your passwords. Vary your passwords across different websites and change them on a regular basis.
  • Do not click on any suspicious mail, especially if it requests you to provide some personal information. Be wary of fraudulent calls and texts. Most phishing attacks come in the form of calls, emails, posts and SMS that promise you a freebie or a prize in exchange for your personal data!
  • Maximize the use of alerts – Take advantage of facilities that notify you if your credit card, debit card or other accounts have been used or accessed.
  • Use social media wisely. Do not include personal information such as birth date, mother’s maiden name, contact number and other similar information in your profile. Reconsider changing the setting of your social media accounts especially if they are open to the public.
  • Utilize different cards for online shopping, standard bills and physical shopping. Some banks issue an e-credit card linked to your physical credit card for online transactions bearing a different number and code.
  • Review your account and policy statements and notices regularly for any unusual transaction.
  • Do not over-share your personal information! Think twice if someone is asking for your name, phone number, email address, postal address or birthdate for no clear reason.
  • Report breaches immediately. If your policy contract, policy/account statement or credit/debit card has been lost or stolen, notify the related company the soonest. Be quick to change your password and/or pin or block your card as applicable. Call our Client Care at (02)849-9633 or email us at if you believe that your account or information has been compromised.
  • Shred your documents. Do not just toss your policy/account statements and official receipts into the bin. Information contained in these statements, receipts or other documents may be used to enable account take-over or commit fraud.

Let’s outsmart the thieves out there. By not giving an opportunity, there is lesser chance of falling prey to them!


[Gemalto. Data Breach Statistics.] 27 November 2017).
[Top Scoring Data Breaches](by industry, government)
[“How to Protect Yourself Online”]
[“Revealed: The most commonly used passwords in hacked accounts…”]–password-them.html